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Bluff City Blessings

A percentage of each sale is donated to a Memphis non-profit

Our goal is to be a blessing to the organizations that are blessing others

Each time you use a Bluff City Realty service, you make a difference

Investing in Memphis

Our mission is to invest in the communities that we live, work and play in, one home at a time! Bluff City Blessings allows us to give back to the city that's given us so much. You can join this initiative by utilizing a Bluff City Realty agent for your next home transaction.

Current Pledge Partner

We're proud to be partnering with MidSouth Hope Garage.

A dream birthed when four friends met over a decade ago, MidSouth Hope Garage is a non profit organization based in Memphis, TN.

They accept donated vehicles, make all necessary repairs, then gift the vehicle to someone in the community.

This team finds joy in loving their neighbor one car at a time, and their generosity is contagious.

Bluff City Realty loves partnering with MidSouth Hope Garage!

Join With Us & Donate Now

Bluff City Brand

Bluff City Realty is only one piece to the puzzle. Learn more about the scope of the Bluff City brand.

About the Bluff City Brand
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